The Eternal Eclipse Mac OS

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Question or issue on macOS:

  1. The Eternal Eclipse Mac Os Catalina
  2. Eclipse Download Mac Os X

I think that question is self-explained 🙂

The Eternal Eclipse Mac Os Catalina

  • If your external hard drive is read-only on your Mac due to its NTFS file system, you can fix it by reformatting the device to a Mac-compatible format with Mac Disk Utility. Before that, remember to back up your external hard drive quickly with data backup software since the formatting will erase all the files on the device.
  • Which, in turn, brings us to an almost-unbelievable discovery: you can’t change the system font on a latest, greatest Mac (OS X 10.6.3)! Problem still unsolved. Now, time to move over my Eclipse external tools configurations from Windows. The external tools config to launch Finder in the selected project directory is very cool, but far from.

Installing Eclipse on Mac OS XIn this video tutorial you will learn how to download the latest java version and the eclipse IDE for Mac OS X. We will go thro.

When I browse to Application eclipse send me an error.

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

rubdottocom almost got it. The problem is, that the path contains spaces. If you write a new shell script with the following content:

Eclipse can launch a new Chrome instance with it. Sadly, this way it is not possible to open a new tab in an already running instance, as the script exits with the following error message:

Eclipse Download Mac Os X

Solution no. 2:

The simplest way to get Eclipse to recognize Chrome as the default system browser is :

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Go to menu Safari > Preferences > General.
  3. Change ‘Default web browser’ to Safari.
  4. Close the Preferences dialog.
  5. Re-open the Preferences dialog.
  6. Change ‘Default web browser’ to Chrome.
  7. Close the Preferences dialog.

This solution is more general as it applies to any application which chooses the incorrect system browser. (thanks to Kelvin Lawrence at IBM)

Eternal eclipse music

I am using Eclipse 4.2.0 on an iMac with OSX Mountain Lion. This also works for Eclipse Kepler on Mountain Lion.

Solution no. 3:

I posted the answer on another question like this on stackoverflow, so here it goes:

I found the solution in a blog’s post that doesn’t exist anymore, it involves configuring the Location to be ‘/usr/bin/open’ and the parameter is ‘%URL%’.

You need to make sure that google chrome is your default browser and it will work properly. This is the only method that worked for me on OSX Lion.

Solution no. 4:

I solved this by calling /usr/bin/open -a '/Applications/Google' <url>

Solution no. 5:

Ooops! I find the answer here: Is there a way to add Google Chrome as an external web browser in Flash Builder Standalone for Mac?

The exact location is:
/Applications/Google Chrome

It’s annoying that you can’t enter inside to an “Application folder” ( through Finder :-S

Oh Wait! It’s not working >_< Safari is opened

Solution no. 6:

you can also try to fix that from eclipse at the menu bar: windows->preferences->general->web browser-> select the radio, Use external web browser and choose your default browser from there. that simple.

Solution no. 7:

Here’s a helpful visual showing the /usr/bin/open techinque:

Solution no. 8:

In Finder, right click on Google, select Show Package Contents and browse down to Contents/Mac OS and drag Google Chrome to the Location in Eclipse’s Edit External Web Browser dialog box. Enter -url %URL% in the field Parameters. This worked for me on Eclipse Indigo on MacOS 10.7, at least when Chrome was not started before…

Solution no. 9:

My method to set Chrome as a default browser in eclipse is:
Go to Window >> Web browser and then select Chrome.

Hope this helps!