The Adventures Of Dash Mac OS
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- The Adventures Of Dash Mac Os X
- The Adventures Of Dash Mac Os Catalina
- Download New Mac Os
- Mac Os Dash Alternative
This guide describes how to download, install and encrypt the Dash Corewallet for macOS. The guide is written for macOS Sierra, but the stepsshould be similar for other versions.
Downloading the Dash Core wallet¶
The Adventures Of Dash Mac Os X
Visit to download the latest Dash Corewallet. In most cases, the website will properly detect which versionyou need. Click Download Installer to download the installerdirectly.
The website properly detects the wallet appropriate for your system¶
If detection does not work, you will need to manually choose youroperating system. Go to and select themacOS tab, then click Download Installer. Save the file youdownloaded to your Downloads folder.
Verifying Dash Core¶
This step is optional, but recommended to verify the authenticity of thefile you downloaded. This is done by checking its detached signatureagainst the public key published by the Dash Core development team. Todownload the detached signature, click the Installer Signaturebutton on the wallet download page and save it to the same folder as thedownloaded binary.
All releases of Dash are signed using GPG with one of the following keys:
Alexander Block (codablock) with the key
,verifiable here on KeybasePasta (pasta) with the key
, verifiable hereon Keybase
Open a terminal, import the keys and verify the authenticity of yourdownload as follows:
Downloading the PGP key and verifying the signed binary¶
If you see the message Goodsignaturefrom...
then you have anauthentic copy of Dash Core for macOS.
Installing Dash Core¶
Open Finder and browse to your Downloads folder. Then double-click onthe .dmg file you downloaded to decompress it. A window appears showingthe contents of the file.
Drag the Dash Core application file into your Applications folder toinstall Dash Core.
Installing Dash Core¶
Running Dash Core for the first time¶
To run Dash Core for the first time, either open Launchpad or browse toyour Applications folder in Finder. Double-click Dash Core orDash-Qt to start the application. You may see a warning aboutopening an app from an unidentified developer. To resolve this problem,simply Control-click the app icon and choose Open from the shortcutmenu, then click Open again in the dialog box. The app is saved asan exception to your security settings, and you can open it in thefuture by double-clicking it just as you can any registered app.
The first time the program is launched, you will be offered a choice ofwhere you want to store your blockchain and wallet data. Choose alocation with enough free space, as the blockchain can reach 30GB+ insize. It is recommended to use the default data folder if possible.
Choosing the Dash Core data folder¶
Dash Core will then start up. This will take a little longer than usualthe first time you run it, since Dash Core needs to generatecryptographic data to secure your wallet.
Synchronizing Dash Core to the Dash network¶
Once Dash Core is successfully installed and started, you will see thewallet overview screen. You will notice that the wallet is “out ofsync”, and the status bar at the bottom of the window will show thesynchronization progress.
The Adventures Of Dash Mac Os Catalina
Dash Core begins synchronizing with the Dash network¶
During this process, Dash Core will download a full copy of the Dashblockchain from other nodes to your device. Depending on your internetconnection, this may take a long time. If you see the message “No blocksource available”, check your internet connection. When synchronizationis complete, you will see a small blue tick in the lower right corner.
You can now begin to use your wallet to send and receive funds.
Encrypting your Dash wallet¶
After your wallet has synchronized with the Dash network, it is stronglyadvised to encrypt the wallet with a password or passphrase to preventunauthorized access. You should use a strong, new password that you havenever used somewhere else. Take note of your password and store itsomewhere safe or you will be locked out of your wallet and lose accessto your funds.
To encrypt your wallet, click Settings > Encrypt Wallet.
You will be asked to enter and verify a password.
Download New Mac Os
Enter a password¶
Mac Os Dash Alternative
When the encryption process is complete, you will see a warning thatpast backups of your wallet will no longer be usable, and be asked toshut down Dash Core. When you restart Dash Core, you will see a smallblue lock in the lower right corner.
Fully encrypted and synchronized Dash Core wallet¶
You can now begin to use your wallet to safely send and receive funds.